Who We Are
Helping Children
Achieve Their
Full Potential
Chase UR Dream is a community of families with amputee children whose objective is to ensure their children achieve their full potential and live normal lives.
The Dilemma
Surveys and interviews of several guardians of amputee/limb different children revealed that obtaining information regarding activities, adaptive equipment, camps, and grants was difficult, and resources were severely lacking. Word of mouth and internet searches, referred to as rabbit holes, were mentioned as the most common ways of finding information.
The Remedy
Chase UR Dream seeks to close this gap by building an ecosystem of amputee families, professionals and partners who will collaborate, share resources but, most of all, empower one another!
The Reason
The Merriweather family understands how quickly life can change. Not knowing what your new life will look like could be scary. An ally is what a family needs during these times. Just as the community rallied behind the Merriweather’s, Chase UR Dream aims to support families of children who’ve experienced limb loss with the resources they need to continue to dream big!